Friday 30 September 2011

I hate you!!!

You know why I hate you so much?
You don't ever know that you are the only person that turn my life into trouble...
Who do you think you are?
You are the best person in the world?
I don't care who you want to be but please don't disturb my life...
Go as far as you can...
I will never chasing you but I will open the door for you and keep smiling...
You are not able make me fall even you try million times..
I sure for that...
coz I have my own leg to keep standing on the ground...
You can use everything to make me fall down but you forget that when I fall down and I will always stand again but not as before but more stronger everytime I fall.....
I hate you *******!!!!
This post I dedicate especially for you....!!! 

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