Tuesday 20 December 2011

for someone who fail....

Actually,when you fail it's doesn't mean you will fail forever...
You just have to keep your hard work....
When times come you can be the winner....
and pass....

No one never fail...So,it's normal !!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

when bad thing happen...

when something bad happens you have 3 choices.
You can either let it define you...
Let it destroy you..
Or, you can let it strengthen you...

Friday 30 September 2011


You know why I must hate you??
Coz you a big liar....
You lie everything to me....You think I'm so stupid to choose the truth???
Every word you spoke to me like burning my heart...
You make me promise to L**E you but through my heart have something make me hate you....
You know how to make me L**E you 4eva???
You like make my heart freezing but burning....
You want me to believe you than another person....
But you try to kill all my believing....
So,what type of person you are??
You think you good enough to lying me??
you are NOTHING!!!!
So,keep on lying at me but I will never lost anything coz my heart stop believing you 
You want me to care you but you never care me....

I hate you!!!

You know why I hate you so much?
You don't ever know that you are the only person that turn my life into trouble...
Who do you think you are?
You are the best person in the world?
I don't care who you want to be but please don't disturb my life...
Go as far as you can...
I will never chasing you but I will open the door for you and keep smiling...
You are not able make me fall even you try million times..
I sure for that...
coz I have my own leg to keep standing on the ground...
You can use everything to make me fall down but you forget that when I fall down and I will always stand again but not as before but more stronger everytime I fall.....
I hate you *******!!!!
This post I dedicate especially for you....!!! 

Sunday 18 September 2011

1.One of the best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and still loves you.
2.When someone brings you down just remember you are better than them because they had to make you feel    bad  to make themselves feel good.
3.I regret nothing in my life. Even if my past was full of hurt,I still look back and smile because my past make me who I am today and make me stronger.
4.If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

Saturday 17 September 2011

my friend

kte rindu laa kat awk...da lame x dpt tgk awk senyum...
Awk bestfriend 4 eva kte taw...
Contact laa kte ble sng...
Take care...have a nice journey in your life <3
Ape cite...???
Asyik chat kat fb je...
Klu ade mase stayback laa...
Bole jumpe slalu...
The best partner now :)
Da x slalu gaduh cam dulu..
Jgn asyik moody taw...
Bile jumpe je nk wat2 x knal...
X baek taw...
Jage sara taw...
Rindu nk gaduh dgn awk laa...
Rindu awk gak...
Jage sara ea...
the best mentor ever...
Klu ade mase ajar laa kte math....
Miss you...

Thursday 15 September 2011

The legend of the heart...

Klu gembira x semestinye ketawa...
Klu sedih x semestinye menangis...
Klu geram x semestinye merajuk...
Klu terluka x semstinye menyakiti...
Kadang2 ade perkara yg x mampu dilihat oleh mata kasar dan perlu menggunekan mata hati utk membacanya...
X semua perkara dpt dilihat dgn mata kasar...
Act ape gune ade perasaan klu utk dilukai...

Sunday 11 September 2011

truth... :)

Truth is like Surgery,
It Hurts, But It Cures
Lie is like a Pain Killer,It gives Relief Instantly,
Has its Side Effects Later..

Saturday 10 September 2011

How do you expect kids to listen to their parents when Tarzan lives half naked, Cinderella comes home at midnight, Pinocchio lies all the time, Aladdin is the king of thieves, Batman drives at 200 mph, Sleeping Beauty is lazy, and Snow White lives with 7 guys. We shouldn't be surprised when kids misbehave, they get it from their story books.