Tuesday 31 May 2011

look at the sky and feel you

When I feel alone I wills see the sky then,I will feel you.
When I miss you I will see the sky ang I will forget my miss.
You are everything to me.Never been said
Never been told
Whatever happen we have to stand for llife.

Monday 30 May 2011

The diary with seven heart broken

1.For making me feel very worst
2.For making me very ashame.
3.For making me very sad
4.For making me cry when read it.
5.For making me frust when remember it
6.For making me Bad dream
7.For making me upset.
I don't want to have a diary because the  diary will always in my mind and never been lost.

Sunday 29 May 2011


I am a human with 1000 feelings.I want to have a happy life like others.I know sometimes you do not understand about my feeling but what you have to remember always is I have a feeling too.I not upset to you if you not respect at me at all but please respect my feeling too.Some person can control their emotion but some are not.
I have fail for 1000 times to control my emotion but after that I can.I don't want to fail again.Whatever you are thinking about me you don't know me at all I always know myself just respect my feeling as a friend
Crying make me like a very very weak girl.So,sad is not the definition for me to cry.
I don't know you understand or not but I am myself and I will always be myself not otherself

Struggling for sunlight

I want to be the best.Like everyone.I will struggling like the plants to get the sunlight.I will never give up even I fail for milion times I will still trying ang trying.
No one can stop me.I will never give up even I fail
I will always strugling.
That's me.....

Trusting you

I never want to trust anybody.I know that is something very important to trusting someone but trusting you made me mad.Trusting you make me upset.Trusting you made me lost my own confident.
I don't want to trust anybody.I don't want to been hurt.again and again
Sometime I really want to say sorry for everything to everyone but I think it's too late for me.
I'm sorry .so sorry
I have my own principe and I always stand for it....

Wednesday 25 May 2011

A moment of my life

I have a moment of my life I have been very happy
-A new friends
I have a moment of my life I have being upset
-anyone pending me
I have a moment of my life I have being angry
-When I feel like someone is using me
I have a moment of my life I have being stress
-When too many things I have to do.
But every moment in my life is an experience that is very expensive to buy and never been buy by anybody...

Tuesday 24 May 2011

you and just you

You look at the mirror and what you will find??You find your friend?Your parents?Your teacher?No that just you.No one can ever change you until you change yourself.That's what you have to do.
If you fell so get up.
If you upset just calm down.
If you cry just stop it.
If you give up just do better.
That is you.No one can entre your world.So get up and break all the negative thinkings.
You are you

some question burning my brain.

I have to many question to ask and so many answer to check...How can I fall in love???I don't know because I never know the meaning of love.I love everything.Nothing is special for me.Nothing is not special to me.I'm glad to everything.No one know about the fate.Sometimes god give us difficulty to make us very happy when we get anything we need.If we never been sad we will felt our success not have any meaning.
I need to be sad
I need to be scare
I need to be passive
I need to be happy
Lastly,I need to be strong to everything...
We are what we are thinking not the other thinking...

Saturday 21 May 2011

Who I am??

I never care abot hobby or ambition.Everything is my hobby and everything is my ambition.Idon't care about all of that but when someone say that ambition or hobby intresting then I will make it as my hobby but it's not long until someone say another hobby then it will be my hobby too.I really don't know why???
I just want to be myself but how???
I really lose apart of my heart
I really really lose my identity

broken heart

How do you feel when your heart broke?You happy with that?No one will say happy with heart broken.I don't know why I always feel it.Like a habits.I seriously don't care about heart broken but I care about how my heart broken.It like a data that make a nightmare to me all night.
I don't know how to do but I know that I will never and never cry for heart broken.I'm not the servant of my tears...
Whatever happens I want to be strong...

Friday 20 May 2011


.I'm always being late never be earlier.I want to be the most earlier person but why I still late.Late to ask forgiveness and detect my mistake.If there's one thing I can say.
I just want to say to all my friend that.I'm sorry to be your late friend....

hero of my heart

No one is good enough to be my hero.It just my heart that can be my hero.When I cry my heart will always make me smile even it is very pain to feel.When I fear my heart make me calm down.When I laugh I feel like my heart laughing with me.I know everyone have feel a heart broken but that not the answer for falling down.When I fall I will wake up.Sometimes I feel like don't want to have a feeling because it make me like the weakest person in the world.I don't want to cry anymore.I have make all my tears gone.I want to be strong not to be a weak person anymore....
I don't like to wait for luck but I want to struggle for luck....


Friend make a very big meaning to me.Friend is one of the most important person in my life.Friend make my life happy is the friend that I hope in my life.I never know that my hope will be appear one day or never been.I don't know a true friend just a inspiration or can be reality.If theres a will then,it will be my very very hope.If that's only inspiration,I want to ignore it and just be alone...
I just don't want to break my heart again and again.5 times I break my heart.Now I find my true friend.I don;t have any word to say just thank to all my fellow friend.I have wait for you since 7 years ago...
Just don't make me cry anymore...